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2017 Social Justice and Evaluation Conference Resources

Slides from Stafford Hood's Keynote Presentation

Handouts from Kathy Isaacson: Facilitating Management of Difference: Principles, Methods, Practice

Facilitating Management of Difference Outline

Facilitators Toolkit 2017

Slides from Jessica Goodkind, PhD, Martin Ndayisenga, BSW, Mahbooba Pannah: Evaluating Multi-level Social Justice Interventions: Challenges, Lessons, and Innovations from the Refugee Well-being Project

Slides and handouts from Nancy Lopez, PhD, Christopher Erwin, MA: Developing your ‘Intersectionality Lens’ for Serving Vulnerable Communities: Race-Gender-Class Gaps at a Public University in the Southwest 1980-2015

Lopez et al Presentation Slides.pdf

Lopez Visualizing Intersectionality and Self Reflexivity.pptx

Lopez 2013 Multidimensional Measure of Race.pptx

Collins Matrix of Domination.pptx

Collins and Bilge 2016 Intersectionality Defined.pptx

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